Category: Natural Stone   Tags: shower, travertine

Travertine Shower Beautifully Restored

Category: Natural Stone showertravertine
Client : Homeowners in Austin, Texas
Info :

Travertine shower cleaned and restored

Travertine Shower Had Several Problems

Homeowners in Austin, Texas called us because their travertine shower had mildew and soap buildup. In the drain area, where the water had continually pooled because of improper draining, there were excessive hard water deposits. The shower had not been professionally cleaned in years.

Our Travertine Restoration Process

Normal household cleaners simply would not have safely removed the layers of buildup without damaging the travertine. We used a variety of stone-safe specialty products to cut through the soap film that had accumulated on the surface and in the pores of the travertine, the hard water deposits in the drain area, and the bacteria and mildew from the grout lines and pores of the travertine. Finally, we applied an impregnating sealer to the entire shower surface.

The homeowners were very pleased with the results.

To learn more, visit our Travertine Services page.

Does your travertine shower have a dull, dirty appearance? Gold Standard Floor Care can clean and restore your travertine to its natural beauty. Contact us online or call (512) 257-3070 for a free estimate on services throughout the Austin, TX area.