This article explains which dimension stone panel problems can be resolved by your stone restoration technician, and which problems require replacement.
Soft Water Can Damage Marble
You’ve likely heard of hard water damage on natural stone, but did you know that soft water can also damage it? Learn how to protect susceptible stone.
A Natural Stone Stain Remover
Natural stone, concrete, terrazzo, and certain tiles, as well as the grout lines in between tile, can become stained. Many stains can be removed using acetone.
Stone & Tile Restoration Helps Sell Homes
A simple way to improve buyer appeal and help your home sell quickly for the price you are asking is by having clean, elegant, welcoming floors and surfaces.
What You Should Know About Jerusalem Limestone
If you are selecting natural stone and considering Jerusalem limestone or if you already have Jerusalem limestone, this article may be of interest to you.
When Your “Granite” Is Actually Marble
Marble and other calcium-based natural stones are sometimes sold as granite. Here’s how to avoid etch damage and stains associated with stone misidentification.
Crack or Fissure? What’s the Difference?
Sometimes these “cracks” in natural stone countertops are not cracks at all, but fissures, something that resembles a crack. Read more to learn the difference.
How To Remove “Water Rings” On Polished Marble
We are frequently asked, “How can I remove water rings on my polished marble?” This article explains what “water rings” are, and what you can do about them.
High Alkaline Substances Can Etch Natural Stone
Many natural stone owners are aware that acids like vinegar, lemon, etc. can cause etching, but did you know high alkaline substances can also cause etching?
How-To Video: Stone Stain Removal
See Fred Hueston, Chief Technical Director of Stone & Tile PROS, demonstrating how to mix and apply a poultice for removing a stain from natural stone.