If you have a driveway or garage, the odds are good you have at least once in your life encountered oil stains and discovered that they don’t hose off very well. So, how do you get the stain out?

If you have a driveway or garage, the odds are good you have at least once in your life encountered oil stains and discovered that they don’t hose off very well. So, how do you get the stain out?
Slips and falls on slippery floors in homes as well as public spaces is a very real, every day hazard, but there are things you can do to minimize the risks.
Did you know natural stone can be refinished to a brand new or even completely different finish? Natural stone is versatile. Here are some ways to give your existing stone a whole new look.
One question we’re often asked is how to remove mud stains from exterior travertine or other natural stone. Here are some tips for getting mud stains out.
As we begin to move out of the cold season, you may be looking at your fireplace with a bit of dismay. How do you clean off that stubborn sooty residue?
It’s kind of funny what people who should know better will say about common stone failures or issues. Over the past several years, we have heard many stories about the reasons stone will fail, turn color, fade, and so on. Many are funny and most are just plain false. Here’s a sampling you may enjoy.
Many people use stone-safe cleaning products but still mysteriously end up with chemical stone damage anyhow. How does this happen?
Here are some easy to follow precautionary tips from the PROS for preventing damage to your natural stone floors and countertops during holiday festivities.
We usually think of etching as a problem unique to marble, but it isn’t all that uncommon to see etching occur on granite as well.
Because travertine is a porous natural stone, it does require regular maintenance to keep it looking clean and preventing mildew from forming.